The (records keeping) world according to GARP (and EDRM)

White paper makes brave attempt to reconcile e-discovery data model with RIM guidelines.

The American Records Management Association and the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) have published a white paper explaining how the EDRM’s information governance reference model (IGRM) ‘complements’ ARMA’s generally accepted recordkeeping principles (GARP). The IGRM supports GARP principles by identifying cross-functional groups of information governance stakeholders and by depicting their intersecting objectives as a relationship between ‘duty, value and the information asset.’

The white paper purports to identify the many business benefits to be accrued from ‘proactive adoption’ of GARP and explain how the IGRM supports these by enabling an organization to achieve the desired level of information governance maturity. The white paper concludes with an exhortation to ‘lower risks and achieve greater efficiencies through process improvement, electronic discovery’ by increasing integration with an organization’s information governance policy, procedures, and infrastructure.’

EDRM has developed an XML model for records keeping/information discovery. ARMA’s GARP offers more qualitative advice on records keeping. Reading between the lines it might appear that the organizations have gotten together to retrofit the two approaches. Such an activity is not without merit as records responsibilities are shared between IT, legal, records managers themselves and the business. Current members of EDRM included Chesapeake. Exxon and Halliburton were involved in the past. ARMA has many oil and gas members. More from ARMA and EDRM.

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