Speaking at the recent Nokia/Qt Developer Days conference in Munich, Mike Krus, principle software engineer with Midland Valley Exploration (MVE), offered attendees a geological fireworks display of colorful maps, cross sections and structural geological models. MVE’s software runs on both Windows and Linux in 32 and 64 bits. Qt enables a common toolkit across these platforms and a single common code base.
Qt’s WebKit browser code is put to good use, enabling co-visualization of MVE’s results with Google Earth data. The cross platform nature of Qt has also been leveraged in porting to rugged tablets and other devices for field work. But Qt is not just a GUI. MVE uses the Qt Concurrent toolkit to farm out compute intense tasks across multi-core architectures for hassle-free parallel programming. Structural geology’s requirements for kinematic modeling stress a graphical toolkit to the limits. To date, MVE has relied on Sim’s Coin3D for its tools. Coin is in the process of being phased out and replaced by OpenSceneGraph. Another change is that since Nokia now only supports mobile platforms, MVE gets desktop support for Qt from Digia. More from Midland Valley.
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