Hosted gas detection

RAE Systems ProRae Guardian offers biometric and gas/chemical monitoring as secure, 24/7, ‘cloud’-based subscription service.

RAE Systems’ ‘ProRae Guardian CloudServer’ is claimed to be the industry’s first cloud-hosted service for real-time detection and sharing of sensor data from multiple remote sites. ProRae Guardian targets, inter alia, upstream and downstream oil and gas facilities offering secure access to hosted data streaming from real time sources such as gas, volatile organic compounds and biometric information on field workers’ health. Thomas Nègre, RAE Systems VP products and marketing said, ‘Organizations cannot afford to risk worker, public, responder and industrial safety when a critical situation arises. The sharing of gas and other data in real-time with geographically dispersed teams is extremely important. The ProRAE GCS meets this need.’

RAE Systems provides rugged, intrinsically safe and globally certified monitors along with wireless connectivity to ‘elevate’ worker and public safety and improve incident-response time. The subscription-based service is hosted and maintained by RAE Systems in a secure and fail-safe environment to ensure uninterrupted service 24/7. The system operates across firewalls, supports multiple hosts for data aggregation and up to 32 remote viewers. More from RAE Systems.

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