The OGP geomatics committee has updated its ‘P formats’ used for marine seismic position data. Changes include a common header containing summary and configuration data and improved definition of coordinate reference systems. The OGP P1/11 and OGP P2/11 formats have been formally sanctioned by the committee and are available from the OGP website.
The CSA Group and IPAC-CO2 Research have announced a ‘bi-national’ (Canada and USA) standard for the capture and storage of CO2. The ‘CSA Z741’ standard targets saline aquifers and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and provides guidelines for regulators and industry and will be the basis of a future ISO standard.
Energistics has started work on a new WitsML API for high-frequency, low latency real time data, the first step toward a ‘next-generation’ API based on new technology. The ProdML team has drafted a three year roadmap which will focus on surveillance and optimization, industry reporting and a shared asset model. Development of a new ‘completion’ data object is nearing, err..., completion. The ResqML team expects to deliver V2.0 by mid year 2013 with a focus on defining the relationships between the earth model component of V1.1. More from Energistics.
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation, OSGeo, has announced the release of MapServer 6.2.0, the first joint release of MapServer 6.2, TinyOWS 1.1, and MapCache 1.0. The release is said to be the first step towards a ‘fully-fledged MapServer suite.’
The W3C’s OWL working group has published the second edition of the OWL 2 ontology language. OWL 2 is a component of the W3C’s semantic web toolkit and support the capture of knowledge relating to a particular domain such as energy information management.
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