A new white paper, co-authored by NetApp, Landmark and Quantum Corp., provides an analysis of storage options for seismic processors and new ProMax benchmarks. Prestack seismic data usage and increasing channel counts due to wide azimuth and other novel acquisition methods mean that IT infrastructure and storage systems need a rethink.
Enter Landmark’s ‘Accelerated processing architecture,’ a combo of NetApp’s seismic processing solution, Quantum’s Gateway appliances and ProMax software. Landmark’s researchers have worked with NetApp and Quantum to resolve I/O bottlenecks and have tested the performance and scalability of NetApp’s E-Series systems with large prestack JavaSeis datasets.
The APA is claimed to offer a ‘scalable, cost effective solution’ that is easy to manage. Under the hood is the StorNext high-performance, parallel, shared file system that creates shared data pools and provides concurrent access across heterogeneous environments of SAN and LAN infrastructures.
Benchmarks on a ‘up to’ 80 HPC compute nodes and a 3.4TB JavaSeis data set from SEAM showed that sustained JavaSeis data rates of 2.6GB/sec were achievable with a single E-Series storage system. Best I/O performance was achieved by running one process per client host. Write performance amounted to 76% of the 2.5GB/sec peak of dual 10GbE network.
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