The latest release of FEI unit Visualization Sciences Group’s Avizo includes new functionality for investigations of shale reservoirs. The Xlab simulators model molecular diffusion, absolute permeability and formation resistivity. The simulators were developed in cooperation with the Solid state chemistry unit of the French CNRS R&D organization. The new release also includes video animations that can be exported in MPEG and AVI.
Papers presented at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Aberdeen earlier this year illustrated use of Avizo to analyze Micro computed tomographic studies of reservoirs and shales. ExxonMobil used Avizo’s XLab solver to study upscaling in a Devonian shale gas reservoir.
In a second presentation at the same event, Shell used the Avizo Matlab bridge module in an investigation into in-situ measurement of capillary pressure in a sandstone reservoir. The technique is now being implemented as a native module using the Avizo API. Read the case studies on VSG’s Papers page.
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