The Global reporting initiative has launched a research project into sector-specific guidance including the oil and gas vertical.
The Open geospatial consortium (OGC) membership has approved the Enhanced data model extension to the OGC Network Common data form (netCDF) core encoding standard. OGC has also announced a work group to advance the GeoPackage standard for disconnected mobile GIS.
The new modularized edition (V6.0) of the Pipeline open data standard association’s data model has been released for member comment.
The W3C has published R2RML, a language for expressing customized mappings from relational databases to RDF datasets.
DNV has published a recommended practice (RP) for the life cycle of shale gas extraction, based on risk management principles. The reference document supports independent verification and is intended to be a global standard for safe and sustainable shale gas extraction.
The new ECCMA Corporate dictionary manager allows members to create and manage corporate dictionaries.
A new Fiatech project, ‘Harmonizing industry standards to exchange equipment data’ will leverage electronic data exchange to integrate and automate the processes and software used to manage pumps, valves and control systems. The intent is to blend models from ISO 15926, AEX and HI EDE 50.7.
The .NET Standards DevKit, developed by ExxonMobil and licensed to Energistics for ongoing maintenance and support, is in the process of being updated to support WITSML v1.4.1.1, PRODML v1.2.2 and RESQML v1.1.
According to the IEC, ISO and ITU standards organizations, October 14th was world standards day—we missed it!
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