Austin GeoModeling gets patent for 3D geological interpretation

Broad patent covers geological interpretation, well log correlation and ‘dynamic’ cross sections.

Austin GeoModeling has been awarded a patent by the US Patent Office for its ‘next-generation’ 3D geological interpretation technology. US Patent number 7,986,319 B2 described as a ‘system for performing geological interpretation operations [..] comprising: a storage medium [..] a plurality of instructions for execution and a processor for [..] well log correlation, dynamic cross-sections [etc.].’ According to CEO Robin Dommisse, ‘The patent describes our integrated 3D geological interpretation software and encompasses numerous innovations in the field of geological interpretation software development.’

What appears to be the essence of the patent is the three-dimensional nature of the tool and its dynamic interpretation and modeling system. This is described in no less than 93 claims for different aspects of the technology, reading a bit like a dump of the Recon manual and marketing material. But, the patent warns, coverage is ‘not intended to be limited to the embodiments shown herein but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and novel features disclosed herein.’ AGM president Tron Isaksen predicts increasing revenues as ‘industry moves to adopt dynamic 3D geological software solutions more broadly.’ Read the patent on

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