Houston-based logging contractor Allied Wireline has signed with Harris CapRock for the provision of VSAT1 services to the latest truck in its logging fleet. CapRock’s ‘FieldAccess’ solution, tailored to the land drilling market, will provide data transmission, internet access, voice and other communication services
Allied Wireline CEO Larry Albert explained, ‘This communication network allows us to transmit open hole logs as data is acquired. We can also send cement bond logs and correlation logs for perforating and other completion activity. FieldAccess provides a direct link with the stimulation companies during critical frac jobs.’
All 17 Allied Wireline units now use CapRock’s ‘SafePass,’ web content filtering service that secures and optimizes network resources. FieldAccess launched in 2010 to serve rig contractors and service companies. The system now supports several hundred land drilling units. More from www.oilit.com/links/1107_15 (CapRock) and www.oilit.com/links/1107_16 (Allied Wireline).
1 Very small aperture terminal—www.oilit.com/links/1107_14.
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