Repsol is to deploy Autonomy’s Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) and Virage for enterprise knowledge management. IDOL provides search and natural language processing of text in databases, audio, video and text files. Domingo Valhondo, Repsol’s knowledge manager said, ‘We chose Autonomy as the only provider that allows us to harness all our electronic information on one platform, including our rich media data, and use it to improve productivity and stay competitive.’ Virage provides video and audio analysis technology and is able to ‘understand’ the content and context of rich media.
A few years back, (Oil IT Journal May 2007) BP used Virage to digitize its extensive video library. Virage’s VS Archive technology was used to automate the capture, encoding and indexing of BP’s 11,500 recordings, some dating back to 1915. Other oil sector Autonomy clients include Halliburton, Pioneer, Shell, Statoil, Total and Weatherford. Autonomy is also embedded as OEM technology in Diskos’ PetroBank. More from
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