The UK-based Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization (Opito) has announced a training program for the Middle East centered on its International Minimum Industry Training Standard (Imist) program. Imist provides basic safety training. The e-learning program will be delivered in partnership with Atlas Interactive and is localized to the region’s needs. IMIST will be rolled out across 30 countries worldwide throughout Asia, Africa and the United States over the next two years. More from
The Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) association’s annual safety performance indicators for 2010 were published this month, analyzing over 3 billion work hours of data submitted by 42 operating member companies. Despite two major accidents (Macondo and an airplane crash in Pakistan), both fatal incident and accident rates confirmed a long-term downward trend. Download the full report from OGP has also published ‘Well incident prevention, intervention and response,’ a 16 page brochure covering blowout prevention, containment and spill response in a post-Macondo world—
Shell is sharing its recommended practices for onshore tight/shale oil and gas exploitation including hydraulic fracturing. The framework of five principles sets out to protect water, air, wildlife and the communities and to address public concerns. More from
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