Silicon Valley headquartered Skire is to provide Total with its ‘Unifier’ cost control system. Unifier, which was selected after a formal call for tender, will be used on Total’s upstream capital projects. Key to Total choice was Skire’s workflow automation, earned value and cash flow management and its interface with SAP financials and Oracle Primavera.
Unifier is a collaborative web-based platform that integrates business processes, data and documents. Skire has been providing a ‘true’ multi-tenant software as a service (SaaS) architecture since 2000. But in the last couple of years, a ‘seismic shift’ has occurred away from traditional on-premise business applications.
Skire has a word of warning for would-be cloud users, ‘Many companies are rebranding their products as cloud computing.’ Buyers should check to see if a ‘true’ cloud architecture is deployed. ‘If the provider hands you off to third party hosting services, that is not the cloud and the issues of the old model will resurface.’
Last year, Dow Chemical’s Bob Donaho cited Skire Unifier as a key enabler on Saudi Aramco’s Ras Tanula ‘giga-project’ (Oil IT Journal May 2010). ConocoPhillips and BG Group are also Skire clients. More from
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