Baker Hughes’ JewelSuite 2011 introduces new support for collaborative earth modeling, workflows for unconventionals and multithreading/multicore functionality. New workflow automation supports batch processing of property models, gridding and more. Communication between JewelSuite, SMT, and CMG software supports read/write, versioning, and audit capabilities—
Version 7.5 of PetrisWinds Enterprise gets a re-looked GUI deriving from a usability study and the principles set out on UseIT ( and UsableWeb ( The result is a move from Java Script/Google Web Toolkit to Microsoft Silverlight. The backend remains Java for platform independence—
Blueback Reservoir has rolled out the Blueback Toolbox 2011.1, a suite of plug-ins for Schlumberger’s Petrel. New in this release is a Reservoir Engineering module—
dGB Earth Sciences and ARK CLS have announced a direct data link between dGB’s OpendTect and Petrel. The connector provides access to OpendTect’s own plug-ins for attribute analysis, sequence stratigraphy, fluid migration, rock property predictions and velocity modeling—
Emerson ‘s Roxar RMS 2011 edition includes new tools to model complex geologies and incorporate 4D seismic into the workflow, geological well correlation improvements, fracture modeling and usability enhancements. RMS 2011 operates on Linux 64-bit, Windows XP and the Vista 32 and 64-bit platforms, as well as Windows 7 64-bit—
Ensyte ‘s new Prophet XL release is a Microsoft Excel-driven economics and production forecasting package—
New ruggedized computers from Eurotech target the oil and gas vertical. The Zypad BR2000 series leverages ‘power stingy’ Intel Atom processors. Designed for vehicle-mounted or ‘man-worn’ applications, the systems include high-speed I/O, multimedia and communications capabilities. The Zypad BR2000 is compliant with IP67 environmental standards and runs Linux, Windows Embedded or Windows 7—
Exprodat has released Team-GIS KBridge for Esri’s ArcGIS 10 platform. KBridge provides bi-directional geodata integration between SMT Kingdom and Esri ArcGIS—
Linux/Windows benchmarks by Polyhedron show an average 17% speed improvement of Linux over Windows across seven Fortran compilers—
Geoforce has announced a new ‘remote worker safety’ solution for personnel on pipelines, refineries and platforms. The system builds uses satellite-based SPOT GPS personal tracking to provide a map showing workers and field equipment locations in real time—
Schlumberger’s Techlog 2011 reports enhanced usability and a new module incorporating industry-standard methods to compute pore pressure and fracture gradients. The new release implements Elan functionality in Techlog for enhanced mineral solving capabilities—
P2 Energy Solutions ’ Excalibur ‘NexGen’ release brings a Windows Presentation Foundation GUI and adds flexible data grids, XPS printing and tight integration with Microsoft desktop solutions. Under the hood is P2 Analytics ‘powered by’ TIBCO Spotfire—
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