SMT—new data and consulting services, Kingdom 8.7 out soon

Seismic Micro Technology’s flagship upgraded with geosteering, micro seismics and well planning.

Seismic Micro Technology (SMT) previewed the 8.7 release of its ‘Kingdom’ geoscience flagship application at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Convention and Exhibition this month. The new release includes field development functionality, integrating engineering, geological and geophysical capabilities to optimize drilling and production operations. The release also covers geosteering optimization, microseismic interpretation and well path planning—targetting, inter alia, the development of ‘unconventional reservoirs with thin stratigraphic sections and laterally changing geology.’

Kingdom received endorsement from Southwestern Energy senior VP John Thaeler who said, ‘We have used SMT for our seismic interpretation for many years. The enhancements in geology and engineering, along with the tight integration, convinced us to extend this solution across all of our asset teams.’ Kingdom well path planner supports industry standard methods to design the wellbore and calculate inclinations, azimuths and offsets. Users can create a cross-section of the proposed path and quickly share it with drillers and asset team members. Real-time geosteering optimization overlays planned and actual well paths on a vertical display or seismic section allowing geologists to track and adjust drilling in relation to the target.

SMT has also expanded its service and training offering with new data and systems services, onsite services, consulting and training from seven global offices. Kingdom 8.7 is scheduled for release this summer. More from

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