Enterprise-strength social networking for LMKR’s Geographix

Secure access to Amazon cloud enables asset collaboration from geoscience workstation.

At this month’s AAPG, LMKR unveiled a social networking plug-in for GeoGraphix Discovery Suite, a geoscience workstation formerly marketed by Halliburton/Landmark. The ‘Convofy’ service was developed by ‘Scrybe,’ an LMKR/Adobe joint venture and is described as a ‘private social network for your company.’ Confovy adds real-time, ‘in-context’ collaboration to Geographix, allowing users to push images and files, sharing information relating to their exploration, drilling, production and investment options.

Users across remote locations can connect with each other and collaborate by sharing project status updates, hold discussions around cloud-based information and research topics in the context of their company. Convofy is claimed to increase subject matter visibility and transparency and avoid time wasted traveling or in meetings.

Companies can build their own internal knowledgebase from discussions posted on the Convofy company network. This information can be used to audit decisions made by workgroups, evaluate their performance and productivity or to rapidly educate newer members of a team or project. Convofy also ensures the security of proprietary E&P information with hosting on an SSL encrypted link to the Amazon data cloud. More from www.oilit.com/links/1104_12 (Geographix), www.oilit.com/links/1104_13 (Convofy) and www.oilit.com/links/1104_14 (LMKR).

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