E.ON Ruhrgas is to deploy Infotechnics’ ‘Opralog’ operations reporting and logging system at its Southern North Sea Babbage gas production platform. Babbage, the first platform operated by E.ON’s UK unit, will have a 2 million cu. m/day capacity when fully on stream. Opralog is an operations logging tool that captures real time data from sources such as SAP, IBM/Maximo and OSIsoft’s PI System, making such data accessible to a variety of users. Opralog consolidates information from paper logs, spreadsheets and legacy databases into a single source of business intelligence. Key status information on safety, environment and plant issues are usable in support of shift handover and production meetings.
E.ON controls engineer John Newton said, ‘Control room operators have to log events, report on them and communicate any decisions and actions taken. Opralog allows us to do this in a structured manner—improving reporting and communication of key data.’ Infotechnics’ Jon Howard added, ‘Opralog can be extended by E.ON staff for use as a repository for handover check lists, safety meeting information and daily reports and safe cards.’ Opralog customers include Scottish and Southern Energy, BP and National Grid. More from www.oilit.com/links/1104_10.
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