Speaking at the RokDok user meet this month, Harald Flesche reported on an ongoing collaboration between Ikon Science and Statoil that is turning RokDoc into an ‘open-ended’ platform for rock physics. The target interface for the developers is the RokDoc physics module (RPM), a set of equations and statistics that characterizes a particular facies.
RPMs are developed in either Matlab or C and delivered as a dll, along with an XML metadata file.
The RPM is consumed by RokDoc where it can be selected from a drop-down list, inheriting the RokDoc look and feel. Flesche concluded that ‘RokDoc is now a truly open ended platform that will enable quick implementation of internal methods and new industry standards for quantitative seismic analysis.’
Another client-supported development is ‘GraviSeis,’ a new module for reservoir-scale airborne full tensor gravity gradiometry (FTG) data integration. GraviSeis was developed in support of Tullow Oil’s Albertine graben, Uganda development. The idea is to develop a high resolution reservoir model ‘at 5-10% of the cost’ using 2D land seismics. GraviSeis blends inverted FTG data with 2D seismics targeting areas where 3D data is considered uneconomical. More from Lauren King, lking@ikonscience.com.
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