RokDoc extended with help from Statoil and Tullow

C/Matlab API for Ikon Science’s flagship. GraviSeis combines gravity and 2D seismics.

Speaking at the RokDok user meet this month, Harald Flesche reported on an ongoing collaboration between Ikon Science and Statoil that is turning RokDoc into an ‘open-ended’ platform for rock physics. The target interface for the developers is the RokDoc physics module (RPM), a set of equations and statistics that characterizes a particular facies.

RPMs are developed in either Matlab or C and delivered as a dll, along with an XML metadata file.

The RPM is consumed by RokDoc where it can be selected from a drop-down list, inheriting the RokDoc look and feel. Flesche concluded that ‘RokDoc is now a truly open ended platform that will enable quick implementation of internal methods and new industry standards for quantitative seismic analysis.’

Another client-supported development is ‘GraviSeis,’ a new module for reservoir-scale airborne full tensor gravity gradiometry (FTG) data integration. GraviSeis was developed in support of Tullow Oil’s Albertine graben, Uganda development. The idea is to develop a high resolution reservoir model ‘at 5-10% of the cost’ using 2D land seismics. GraviSeis blends inverted FTG data with 2D seismics targeting areas where 3D data is considered uneconomical. More from Lauren King,

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