The latest release (4.2) of INT’s INTViewer consolidates the toolset’s move from a set of E&P-specific ‘widgets’ to a fully-featured toolset for data visualization and seismic analysis. The new release adds interactive slicing of a 3D volume, well trajectory plots and improved performance for large data volumes. New plug-ins provide connection to Microsoft’s Bing Map server for map data or satellite imagery. A seismic trace header editor for Seg-Y and Seismic Unix formats, and a data browsing window into open datasets add to the viewer’s data management capability. A ‘propagate’ mode is now available for semi-automated seismic horizon tracking. Enhanced EPGS coordinate reference system code handling and on-the-fly re-projection for disparate datasets is available in the map view.
INTViewer’s ‘standards-based,’ extendable architecture is based on the Netbeans Rich Client Platform. INTViewer’s API allows for customization of menus, data and displays. The interpretation environment can be enhanced with proprietary plug-ins and utilities. More from
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