London Geolsoc deploys Elsevier Geofacets search

Geolsoc seeks ‘wider access’ to Lyell Collection—through Elsevier pay wall.

The venerable London Geological Society (Geolsoc) has engaged Elsevier to georeference its Lyell Collection of online Earth science literature. Elsevier’s Geofacets technology (Oil IT Journal October 2010) will be used on the project to identify geographic place names and geological terminology and to index collection items for context-based retrieval. The combined Elsevier/Geolsoc collection amounts to some 165,000 geological maps, 75% of which have already been georeferenced. The offering targets the oil and gas industry—Geofacets already includes IHS’ petroleum basin glossary and outlines.

Geolsoc executive secretary Edmund Nickless said, ‘What we do as geologists has little value unless we make it as widely accessible as possible.’ Even wider access might have been achieved if the Lyell Collection and the Geofacets service were not restricted to fee-paying subscribers. More from

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