IDS heads-up oil and gas branch of Malaysian software test unit

Malaysian universities join developer in ‘state of the art’ Q-Portal.

The Malaysian Software Testing Board (MSTB), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Independent Data Services (IDS) and Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak have signed a memorandum of understanding heralding the establishment of the Sarawak Chapter of the Malaysian software testing hub (MSTH). The MSTH was launched under the auspices of the second Malaysian economic stimulus package in 2009.

Oil and gas industry software house IDS will work with the other partners to plan and implement the MSTH programs. These include a test bed equipped with state-of-the-art testing tools and infrastructure, a training program and ‘Q-Portal’ MSTH’s window on the cyber world, providing support, sharing knowledge, and matching customers with testing organizations. More from

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