At the 2011 Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions
Association conference in Orlando, Florida this month, Microsoft announced Chemra,
an IT ‘reference architecture’ for the chemical and oil refining industries.
Chemra promises a ‘common, flexible IT environment for technology and data integration
and interoperability across the value chain.’ Like its upstream predecessor
Mura (Oil IT Journal September 2010), Chemra comprises a set of ‘guiding principles’
for users of Microsoft technology rather than a recipe for deployment. The publicly
available ‘datasheet’ (
is conspicuously free of err, data
Microsoft’s partners in Chemra include Accenture, AspenTech, Invensys Operations Management, OSIsoft, PROS, and Siemens’ industrial automation systems unit. Chemra principles advocate a ‘natural’ user experience, interoperability, enhanced collaboration through social networking and cloud computing, business insights and a ‘solid infrastructure of high performing technology.’ More from
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