Microsoft CHEMRA

The new chemical ‘reference architecture’ promises a common IT framework for chemicals and refining. But the data sheet has no data!

At the 2011 Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions
Association conference in Orlando, Florida this month, Microsoft announced Chemra, an IT ‘reference architecture’ for the chemical and oil refining industries. Chemra promises a ‘common, flexible IT environment for technology and data integration and interoperability across the value chain.’ Like its upstream predecessor Mura (Oil IT Journal September 2010), Chemra comprises a set of ‘guiding principles’ for users of Microsoft technology rather than a recipe for deployment. The publicly available ‘datasheet’ ( is conspicuously free of err, data…

Microsoft’s partners in Chemra include Accenture, AspenTech, Invensys Operations Management, OSIsoft, PROS, and Siemens’ industrial automation systems unit. Chemra principles advocate a ‘natural’ user experience, interoperability, enhanced collaboration through social networking and cloud computing, business insights and a ‘solid infrastructure of high performing technology.’ More from

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