The Petrel ad makes a bold claims of ‘loading all the offshore Norway data in 35 seconds,’ but some users report less stellar performance. A white paper from EMC provides some chapter and verse on data load from network attached storage (NAS), in particular, EMC’s Celerra hardware and the ‘Upstream Application Accelerator’ (UAA), a ‘branded’ version the Celerra Multi Path File System (MPFS).
To cut to the chase, EMC’s tests with multiple high end Dell Workstations running against the Celera/UAA showed data load times of ‘less than a fifth of the time needed for traditional NAS solutions using CIFS.’ The system ‘even’ beat local disk performance, albeit by a modest 12%.
Elapsed time to prefetch the 30 GB dataset dropped from 22.3 minutes to 3.6 minutes. Tests on 64 bit Vista 64 (which, like Windows 7 includes SMB 2.0, an enhanced CIFS-type connection) improved prefetch time by 207% percent over the same ‘traditional NAS.’ Prefetch time for the 30 GB dataset dropped from 11.1 minutes to just 3.6 minutes.
All of which begs the question, how can you load ‘all the Norway data in 35 seconds?’ We learned at this month’s ECIM that the Norwegian DISKOS data repository now holds some 155 terabytes of data... Download the whitepaper from
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