A white paper from Accenture summarizes the results of a recent Review of Carbon Accounting and Reporting in the Oil and Gas Industry. Authored by Accenture’s Clean Energy division. The study was based on a survey of several IOCs and a comparison of IOCs reports under the 2009 voluntary Carbon Disclosure Project.
A key finding is that while mandatory reporting is coming, there is uncertainty as to what regulation will bring. The report offers a maturity matrix showing three ‘archetypes’ of carbon management and reporting. The top level archetype has a strong CO2 management function, intergrated measurement processes and a single system for CO2 data management and reporting tailored to local requirements which differ widely around the globe.
Currently, most archetypes rely on spreadsheets to collate, analyze and report emissions. However, increasingly, companies are implementing environmental sustainability software to support specific functional and regulatory requirements particular to the carbon reporting and regulation domain. Specialist software providers include Carbonetworks, Ecofys, EnviroData, IHS and Schneider Electric. Read the Review on www.oilit.com/links/1009_11.
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