Hamburg headquartered Oiltanking has signed a five year licensing agreement with UK-based Cleveland Process Designs. The agreement covers software and services around Cleveland’s ‘iResponse’ Emergency Management Solution (EMS) at 75 Oiltanking sites around the world.
iResponse is a map based system designed to improve pre-planning, training and ensure managers and responders are well prepared to confront an emergency. iResponse is designed to be accessed in incident control rooms, emergency control centers, fire engines and command vehicles. It provides decision makers and response personnel with information such as risk contours (Thermal, Overpressure, Atmospheric Dispersion) and decision support tools for emergency management.
iResponse’s map view shows the relative location of resources and existing infrastructure. Mapping tools enable information such as distances and asset information to be quickly determined. Tools such as foam calculators, plume dispersion modelers, firewater bund volume calculators and hose run modelers are provided to support the determination of incident impact and resource deployment requirements. iResponse helps assure compliance with current fire engineering standards and regulations. Cleveland clients include BP, ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum. More from
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