There was a quality turnout for OpenSpirit’s Barcelona Technical Symposium with representatives from Statoil, Shell, Idemitsu Petroleum, OMV and KOC amongst others. 2009 was a good year for the OpenSpirit (OS) interoperability framework. Past year highlights include the Ocean-Petrel Application Adapter (OPAA) and ‘new partners by the dozen.’
Kay Sutter (SMT) admitted that integrated workflows had been something of a ‘hiccup’ for Kingdom in the past. Another issue for Kingdom users is the proliferation of projects all over the place. Users wanted to consolidate, merge and subset projects. SMT noted that OpenSpirit (OS) could do all this and more and has opted to leverage OpenSpirit not just for connectivity with ‘foreign’ data stores but also for Kingdom-to-Kingdom data exchange, data management and data QC. Sutter reports that on-the-fly coordinate conversion is particularly appreciated allowing for ESRI cultural data as a project backdrop—drag and dropping grids from ArcGIS. The ‘next generation’ Kingdom data management release—with ‘whitelabeled’ OS inside will be available later this year.
Surendra Bhat’s presentation went into more detail on the new data management functionality. The 3.2.2 ‘next generation’ desktop comes with plug-ins for data selection scan and copy. Rules can be written in the rule editor and a new model view function used to show for instance a subset of database tables. Rules can be developed for data quality initiatives and run as bulk edits—these can be versioned and run on selected source data. Regular expressions and a chron type scheduler complete the picture and comprise a single entry point for data modification with a log of changes and exceptions.
Rune Hagelund described Roxar’s workflow integration with the new ‘.ROX’ framework and OpenSpirit. .ROX promises ‘seamless’ integration of applications and data that lets a user work with the tool that is best suited for a given task, while offering access to functionality in external applications. All of this while working on data in the ‘optimal’ domain—GIS, geology, petrophysical or seismic. .ROX offers access to Roxar data and services and a dev kit including scripting with Python. Roxar is contracting with OpenSpirit for the development of an application adapter for the .ROX environment. The OS common model is being extended with better 3D grids handling inter alia. More from
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