Upstream Professionals TAM links well master data with SOX

Well Framework Methodology extended to ‘Total Asset Management’ and business intelligence.

Houston-based Upstream Professionals has rolled out ‘Total Asset Manager’ (TAM), leveraging its framework methodology (Oil IT Journal—September 2007) to jointly determine clients’ well master strategy. TAM builds on UP’s well lifecycle strategy counseling to deliver an implementation strategy, providing an extensible framework that enables operators to manage and evaluate assets in a ‘central, trusted source.’

TAM collects information from drilling, production, economics, and other applications into a central repository. TAM was designed to support the addition of new wells into the environment and be the focal point for dashboards, scorecards and other business intelligence, visualization and analytics.

One client uses TAM to compare budgets with actual numbers, with immediate drill-down into problem areas. Reporting spans high-level annual reports to daily well KPIs. BI tools can access TAM for more powerful analytics and business simulation. More from

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