Software, hardware short takes

Gedco Vista, PSE gPROMS, IDS DrillNet Junior, Paradigm CRAM, Wonderware Information Server.

Gedco has released V10 of its ‘Vista’ cross platform 2D/3D seismic processing package with multiple enhancements to interactivity, workflow and log data integration—


Release 3.3 of PSE’s gPROMS predictive process modeler speeds solution of complex batch and dynamic processes and offers protection of embedded intellectual property—


IDS has announced DrillNet Junior, an ‘off-the-peg’ drilling reporting service for smaller operators—


Paradigm has teamed with Acceleware on ‘CRAM,’ a new full waveform RTM processing package—


Invensys has released V4 of its Wonderware Information Server, adding enhanced operating system support and Microsoft Silverlight-based graphics—


More software short takes in next month’s Oil IT Journal.

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