Standards Stuff

Data exchange model form. ISO in oil and gas. Total endorses Energistics. Fit-for-service Toolbox.

The Association of International Petroleum Negotiators has approved a Data Exchange Agreement to facilitate trades of seismic and well data. The DEA recognizes host governments’ interests in data and prompts companies to ensure all necessary approvals are sought for data transfers. A model schedule establishes standard terminology to assist with data identification. More from


The ISO TC 184SC4 committee for industrial data standards has launched a preliminary work item on ‘Oil and gas asset management and maintenance operations’ in response to a proposal from the US and Norway, and an ad hoc group to define the scope of any additional standardization requirements in the field of ‘mechatronics.’ More from


Technical Toolboxes has announced the ‘Fitness-for-Service Toolbox’ to help engineers and inspectors check structural integrity against the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 579 specification. The package also offers new analytical procedures for analysis and remaining life assessment of existing equipment.


Total CIO Philippe Malzac, in an ad appearing on the Energistics website, offers a strong endorsement to the standards body stating, ‘Total is implementing Energistics open data exchange standards to simplify IT architectures and contribute efficiently to the exploration and production of increasingly complex fields.’


The W3C has announced XProc, a new XML Pipeline Language for managing XML-based business processes.

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