Sergio Morales, design and installations manager with Pemex, vaunts the merits of the AuraPortal Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) in a recent webcast. Pemex has been using AuraPortal for the last four years. The tool supports purchase and procurement, supply chain management, sales and invoicing. AuraPortal displaced an earlier manual system following an evaluation of 40 BMP vendors. Morales appreciates AuraPortal’s configurability without programming and reports that the solution has eliminated non conformance and that thousands of items are now processed error free. ‘The best thing is the fact that you can easily design it and have the processes you need immediately without IT programming. Previously we needed an expert to make changes.’
Morales rates AuraPortal as, ‘Better than the solutions from the major IT vendors. I give it 9 out of 10 today. It will qualify for a 10 when it gets rolled out across Pemex. AuraPortal provides great support, immediate results and ROI. Our people are happy!’ AuraPortal describes its HQ as a ‘bicephalous entity’ split between Boston and The Netherlands. Its software is developed in Spain. Clients include Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Frito-Lay, Toyota and Yamaha. More from Watch the video and brush up your Spanish on
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