Fraunhofer Institute—bye bye MPI, hello GPI!

Geophyical processing spawns general purpose API for multicore architectures.

Work on a seismic data processing system at Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) has resulted in a general purpose API for multicore architectures and high performance computing. The Global Address Space Programming Interface (GPI) promises high interconnect speed and scalability—an issue with the current MPI interconnect standard for HPC. GPI is available for C, C++ and Fortran under Linux.

GPI, previously known as the Fraunhofer Virtual Machine, underpins Fraunhofer’s PrestackPRO seismic processing toolset, now marketed by startup SharpReflections. GPI has also been used in new production code for angle domain migration for anisotropic and side azimuth seismics that Fraunhofer has developed for Statoil. This is being extended into a new interactive imaging tool—the Seismic Development and Processing Architecture (SDPA) currently under development by a four company consortium. Fraunhofer’s Franz-Josef Pfreundt told Oil IT Journal—‘GPI has given us a technology advantage over our competitors. Moreover, GPI has the potential to completely replace MPI. Oil and gas market with its high demand for HPC is the first vertical to pick up this technology.’ GPI is marketed by Fraunhofer spinoff Scapos. More from and

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