A recent announcement from the French Petroleum Institute highlights the growing importance of the Modelica language to optimize oil and gas systems and
processes. Modelica came out of process R&D performed at the Pelab unit of Sweden’s Linköping University and was originally designed for refinery process modeling. Modelica differs from traditional ‘system-based modeling,’ where components connect via pre-defined inputs and outputs. Instead Modelica components are described with mathematical equations—allowing for more flexible interactions.
The IFP has used the Modelica-based ScicosLab toolset to model a complete drilling platform and reports that this was achieved with only nine components—as opposed to some 500 which would have been required using the traditional approach. Alongside its use in various consortia, Modelica is also embedded in several commercial applications, notably Catia from Dassault Systèmes which acquired Modelica specialist Dynasim in 2006. More from modelica.org.
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