Going, going … green!

TechniData’s GHG compliance ‘quick start’ package. A.D. Little rolls-out Carbon Equity Index.

Markdorf, Germany-based TechniData has introduced a ‘GHG MRR Quick Start Package’ for organizations affected by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s mandatory greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting rule (40 CFR Part 98). The new rule mandates yearly GHG reporting to the EPA, starting from 2010. The software embeds TechniData’s experience with the EU-Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), Title V permitting and NESHAP and builds on SAP’s EHS foundation. More from technidata.com.

ECPI, the Milan-based research, ratings and indices company, and consultant Arthur D. Little have announced the Global Carbon Equity Index, a list of 40 ‘carbon-savvy’ public companies. Top ‘carbon-cutting’ performer from the carbon-intensive oil and gas sectors is Milan-based Eni. The evaluation included carbon emissions and mitigation strategies. According to the release, ‘sustainable investment portfolios are no longer greenwash.’ More from ecpindices.com.

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