Dual mode safety system for BP Angola

Dresser Masoneilan kits-out PSVO FPSO with emergency shutdown system.

BP Angola has selected a dual-mode analog and digital system from Dresser’s Masoneilan unit for emergency shutdown of its PSVO (Plutão, Saturno, Vênus and Marte) floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO). The Dresser SVI II ESD analog safety units will be integrated into the Yokogawa Pro-Safe-RS safety instrumented system and Yokogawa PRM asset management suite. Oil IT Journal asked Dresser’s Piotr Pojedynek why analog systems were still deployed in the day of the ‘digital oilfield.’ He explained, ‘While we are in a digital era, the safety system segment lags. Users are not yet ready to adopt a fully digital safety system. Traditional shutdown systems used a 24volt DC signal which was either on or off. Consequently users had no information on system state during normal operations or during a trip. Our new solution provides an analog safety system alongside a Hart capability that provides bi-directional digital communication at all times.’ The Hart protocol piggybacks a digital signal atop the 4-20 mA analog feed. The new solution provides continuous diagnostics during a safety trip and enables partial stroke testing of the emergency shutdown valves at regular intervals. More from dressermasoneilan.com.

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