Houston-based IT services, data and compute infrastructure provider CyrusOne has been chosen by Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) for its North American data center. A 10,000 square foot ‘data hall’ in CyrusOne’s West Houston data center will house ‘mission-critical’ data and application servers in support of PGS’ worldwide exploration projects and operations. The center will provide seismic data processing, reservoir analysis, interpretation and electromagnetic services. CyrusOne claims a ‘secure, scalable, high density environment’ and ‘minimal’ environmental impact.
Other CyrusOne energy clients include Repsol, whose Kaleidoscope supercomputer runs on a CyrusOne cluster (OITJ Nov 08) and Dynegy who outsourced its IT infrastructure and business continuity systems to the service provider in 2004. Around the same time, CyrusOne signed with Schlumberger Information Solutions (OITJ Oct 04) to provide clients with ‘managed’ petrotechnical computing services. More from cyrusone.com.
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