The latest release (8.18) of Petris’ DataVera upstream data quality solution introduces ‘MasterSet,’ an E&P master data management (MDM) module. MasterSet was developed with clients’ input to provide ‘enterprise class’ data governance. MDM rules help users consolidate quality metrics across multiple data stores. The release adds new matching algorithms, E&P specific rules and 700+ PPDM 3.8-based reference tables for corporate naming conventions. The package adds row-based units of measure look up and conversion on the fly. Integration with ESRI’s ArcGIS Engine now supports geospatial data transformation. French and Italian localization has been added.
Petris is now working with clients on migrating their data sets to Landmark’s OpenWorks R5000 release. DataVera HealthCheck’s data quality profiling now offers ‘pre-R5000’ data checking. This includes standardizing picks and horizons across projects and consolidation of OpenWorks projects into a Master project. Petris is building templates to help accelerate data preparation and post conversion cleanup. More from
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