Seismic to simulation 2.0

Three second-tier upstream vendors, CMG, JOA, and SMT, team on end-to-end interpretation workflow. Deal ties Kingdom geoscience platform, JewelSuite geomodeler and IMEX simulator.

Seismic Micro Technology (SMT), JOA/JewelSuite and Computer Modelling Group (CMG) have announced the ‘Seismic To Simulation’ (STS) Alliance. Since the JOA/SMT hook up announced last year (OITJ June 2009) Kingdom’s GeoModeling tool has JewelSuite’s 3D gridder under the hood. CMG VP Jim Erdle told Oil IT Journal, ‘The IMEX black oil reservoir simulator is now integrated with JewelSuite via a plug-in written by JOA. JewelSuite IMEX users work entirely within the JewelSuite GUI. Data integration is transparent. This provides a seamless, integrated workflow from interpretation to geocellular modeling to simulation pre and post processing.’

Dan Dexter, VP Canada and marketing with CMG added, ‘The alliance unites three industry leaders, each with a reputation for scientific excellence in a critical aspect of the prospect evaluation workflow. Geophysicists, geologists and engineers can now collaborate using the top technology for their respective disciplines.’

‘Top technologies’ highlighted by the alliance partners include SMT’s patent-pending Kingdom ‘Illuminator’ technology. Illuminator underpins Kingdom Suite’s ‘Seeker’ seismic auto-tracking technology, allowing for event detection on noisy data and picking of near-vertical events.

JewelSuite’s high-end ‘faulted S-grid’ modeling adds fault-following non-pillar gridding technology to the Alliance mix. S-Grid is claimed to offer better complex structure mapping than pillar gridders such as Petrel.

CMG’s numerical simulators for reservoir management cover conventional and heavy oil reservoirs. CMG has been active in Canada’s tar sand development with its STARS steam assisted gravity drainage simulator. The company also developed GEM, a CO2 injection/EOR simulator that was used on the EU-funded CO2STORE Sleipner pilot.

Jim Thom, Director of Strategy and Partnering, JOA Oil and Gas, concluded ‘The traditional single vendor offering frequently meant sacrificing a certain degree of functionality in component functionality to gain overall compatibility across the workflow. Customers could compensate for this by adding niche software to fill in the gaps, but without integration, there is significant productivity loss moving data across solutions. The STS Alliance removes the need for customers to make these sacrifices by bringing together the technology leaders in exploration, evaluation and production phases of field development.’

While both SMT and JOA are resolutely Windows-only platform developers, CMG’s compute-intensive applications have been optimized for parallel processing on Windows, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and IBM-AIX. More from

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