Netherlands-based operator Liander has commissioned the TNO R&D organization to develop a sensor network for condition monitoring of its gas pipelines. Pprogram manager John Weda explained, ‘We are constantly seeking new solutions to manage our gas and electricity networks and predict where problems might arise. In the coming decades we plan to replace gas pipelines that are less resistant to subsidence. Sensor data and computer models will improve prediction and help prioritize intervention.’
TNO’s ‘STOOP-IJknet1’ will extend Liander’s current systems and risk models. TNO’s previous experience with sensor monitoring of dykes and viaducts has shown that it is important to monitor not only the pipes themselves but also the ground in which they are buried. The network monitors settlement, vibrations and groundwater movement. These all feed into computer models along with materials, corrosion and geological data. Liander is currently working with TNO on a proof of concept test. Operators Deltares and Kiwa Gas Technology are also involved in the IJknet project.
TNO project lead Wim van der Poel added, ‘Our knowledge of IT, predictive models, fracture mechanics, risk management, sensor technology and geology is highly applicable in this context. All the pipelines are subject to risks. By measuring in real time and processing the data straightaway, we believe we can make very accurate predictions.’ More from
1 STOOP is both the Dutch acronym for ‘Sensor technology applied to underground pipeline infrastructures’ and a reference to TNO researcher Ben Stoop who died last year.
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