Done Deals

Atos Origin, Siemens, Coreworx, Golden Triangle Angelnet, EMC, Isilon, Energy Ventures, Chesapeake, Wireless Seismic, Fugro, Riise, GE, Wellstream, Geovariances, Tenzing, Halliburton/KBR, Idox Group, McLaren Software, Platts, Bentek, United Communications Group, Siemens.

Atos Origin has acquired Siemens’ IT Solutions and Services unit for €850 million. The combined operations’ 78,500 employees should generate €8.7 billion revenues worldwide for 2010.


Acorn Energy has sold its Coreworx unit to its employees and private investors including Golden Triangle Angelnet.


EMC Corp. has acquired Isilon Systems, now a division of EMC’s Information Infrastructure Products business. Isilon founder, president and CEO Sujal Patel reports to EMC’s Pat Gelsinger.


GE is to acquire Wellstream Holdings for $1.3 billion cash.


Energy Ventures has partnered with Chesapeake Energy in a $19.5 million investment in Wireless Seismic.


Fugro is to acquire Riise Underwater Engineering which will be renamed Fugro-RUE.


Geovariances has acquired the Australian geostatistical resource evaluation and consulting company Tenzing, setting up a Geovariances office in Brisbane.


Halliburton has paid the Nigerian Government $32.5 million in regard to improper payments of government officials by former subsidiary KBR.


Idox Group has acquired McLaren Software.


McGraw-Hill’s Platts unit is to buy energy market analyst Bentek Energy. Platts is also acquiring the Oil Price Information Service from United Communications Group.


Siemens has received authorization to engage in banking operations. Siemens Bank will support sales at the company’s operating units with loans and guarantees.

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