While the ‘official’ HPC workshop was held alongside the Denver SEG, the upstart HPC Society held its inaugural meet in Houston. Executive Director Gary Crouse introduced the new Society and kicked off a very full day of presentations from Academia and vendors.
Industry watcher Addison Snell from Intersect360 outlined current HPC ‘trends’ concluding, inter alia, with the rather astonishing claim that Windows is ‘growing in HPS with currently 12% of the installed base.’ Snell obviously is not looking at either the TOP500 (page 5) nor the seismic vertical (page 7).
A presentation from Doug McCowan and Vladimir Bashkardin of the Bureau of Economic Geology hailed the return of the ‘SIMD’ style of parallel computing of the 1980s with the arrival of the GPU.
CTO Dan Cooke’s company Texas Multicore Technologies was set up to commercialize SequenceL, a NASA-funded solution to parallel computing. Early tests on some (non seismic) problems show promisingly linear speedup with increasing core count. SequenceL was designed to allow developers to write code without having to worry about how it should be computed. A ‘ThreadedS’ service is available to companies who wish to accelerate legacy code bases with TMT’s technology. More from www.texasmulticoretechnologies.com and www.hpcsociety.memberlodge.com.
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