Wireless World

Mentor Engineering, Stratos, Alcatel, Hughes, Environmental Safety Systems, Hercules Offshore.

Oil country fleet and work management solutions provider Mentor Engineering has added Iridium satellite connectivity to its in-vehicle computer, Mentor Ranger. Ranger in-vehicle computers provide constant contact with the office, switching between cellular and satellite mode. Mentor’s ‘work-alone’ monitoring solution for the oil and gas industry lets office staff monitor the work-alone status of all vehicles on their computer screen and provide countdown to the next required check-in using intrinsically-safe work-alone pendants. The office is automatically alerted if the pendant has been motionless for a specified amount of time or if an operator misses a scheduled check-in. More from www.oilit.com/links/1011_3.

Stratos Global and Alcatel-Lucent are to offer IP/MPLS and WiMAX communications links to oil and gas operations in the Gulf of Mexico. A two-year agreement worth $5.2 million sees StratosMAX II broadband network powered by Alcatel-Lucent’s packet microwave and IP/MPLS technology provide ‘last-mile’ radio links to remote GoM locations offering voice service, corporate VPNs and high-speed internet. More from www.stratosglobal.com.

Hughes Network Systems and Environmental Safety Systems are to provide the Hercules Offshore GoM lifeboat fleet with satellite-based broadband maritime services. More from www.hns.com and www.essicorp.com.

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