EMGS reports progress towards a standard format for electromagnetic (EM) data leveraging the HDF5 file format. The JIP that involves EMGS, Statoil and Interaction has now released a format for EM time series data, H5EM-TS. HDF5 includes libraries for C, C++, Fortran, Java, Python and Matlab. A data browser, ‘HDFView’ is also available from www.hdfgroup.org. An overview of the new format can be downloaded from www.oilit.com/links/1010_12.
GeoNetwork has issued an update to its eponymous open source toolset for geographic metadata management including search and indexing enhancements, an Inspire search panel and metadata view, an embedded OpenLayers-based web map viewer and multilingual metadata display and editing support for the ISO19115 et seq. metadata. Download the software from www.oilit.com/links/1010_13.
Following on from Jill Lewis’ geophysical standards presentation at last month’s ECIM, we received a statement from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) ‘No decision has yet been taken by the NPD but it is our intention to mandate the most modern standard for the acquisition and storage of seismic field data, i.e. SEG-D Rev. 3, assuming that the standard is fit for purpose, robust and brings real value to the industry. The NPD notes that key players like PGS, WesternGeco, Fugro and Sercel have contributed towards the development of the new standard and take this as a strong indication that the standard is a real step forward. Before any final decision is taken, however, the NPD will consult with industry and with other government authorities.’
The US Federal Geographic Data Committee steering committee has officially endorsed a group of OGC and other standards which underpin the ‘GeoOneStop’ geospatial platform for place-based initiatives. More from www.oilit.com/links/1010_14.
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