Total, in presentations to Energistics and at the 2009 PNEC Data Integration conference has proposed to create a standards-based modeling environment for its aging North Sea Alwyn oilfield. The intent is to leverage the emerging RESQML reservoir model description protocol, along with WITSML and PRODML to share real time temperature, pressure and production data. Discovered in 1974, Alwyn has seen a ‘pioneering’ initial phase, followed by a couple of decades of ‘industrial’ exploitation. The field is now distinctly ‘brown’ and is entering a new ‘craftsman’ phase, a fight against terminal production decline. The standards-based life of field management to will ease data QC and allow different vintages of data and interpretations to be merged. The Alwyn area comprises six fields plus infrastructure. Compression introduced in 2006 is expected to add 10 million barrels production. A huge dataset has accumulated over time including over 100 reservoir modeling studies, history matching studies and multiple seismic surveys. RESQML aims to handle such evolving datasets and expose updated models to engineers and economists. Total’s enthusiasm for data integration stems from an early multi discipline study of different oil water contacts that enabled the discovery of a satellite field. RESQML ‘could turn such extraordinary events into more routine occurrences.’ As part of the initiative, Total is offering an Alwyn dataset to the public domain. More from
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