The New Zealand Crown Minerals department has just amalgamated its regional core stores into a new national storage facility in Featherston, Wairarapa. The new 2,300 square meter National Core Store is equipped with a tailored shelving system suitable for the storage of both petroleum and minerals core as well as ‘fit for purpose’ viewing facilities.
The National Core Store’s indexing system is being upgraded to more tightly integrate it with Crown Minerals’ existing exploration data management system. This system is built on Landmark’s PetroBank Master Data Store, PowerHub and Team WorkSpace data management. Crown Minerals is to index cores at individual sample level. A program of core photography, re-labeling and barcoding is also underway. The upgraded information will be integrated into PetroBank and be made available through the Crown Minerals website. Explorers will be able to search a validated database of samples and gain an impression of sample completeness/quality before making their decision to access samples. Crown Minerals is looking for ‘pragmatic’ solutions to facilitate access including temporarily releasing cores for analysis. More from
On the other side of the globe, Common Data Access, the UK’s industry-supported data store now holds some 10,750 wells from the UK Continental Shelf. Speaking on the Schlumberger booth at the Amsterdam EAGE last month, CEO Malcolm Fleming enthused over CDA’s new Schlumberger management and technology. This includes a DecisionPoint front end, a Seabed database and ProSource for data management. The whole CDA database and software is hosted by Schlumberger and members get access to both data and the front end for worldwide use. The new Schlumberger system tripled the number of users over the previous Landmark Petrobank solution. Fleming remarked ‘Users are not interested in sophistication if it comes with complexity.’ The new seismic data store will be online in August 2009. Members benefit by no more physical storage or re-mastering. More from
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