The Professional Petroleum Data Management (PPDM) Association held its first Oklahoma user group meet last month. The Chesapeake-hosted gathering attracted over 100 attendees. PPDM CEO Trudy Curtis focused on the ‘doing business’ facets of the 3.8 flagship data model. While not all users will be deploying these modules, these extensions offer support for business associate, financials, work orders and other data management and support functions. Other business related modules now cover produced volume reporting regimes and conversions and reporting hierarchies and roll up/aggregation. Curtis concluded saying ‘PPDM 3.8 now has over 50 subject areas and is robust and complete. You don’t have to use all the modules, just those that add value today.’
E&P CIO Jonathan Smith described Chesapeake’s extensive PPDM implementation. PPDM helps fulfill Chesapeake’s requirement for ‘robust solutions to satisfy ever increasing reporting requirements.’ Early work focused on ‘flash’ reports on production feeding into Excel and Spotfire for analysis. Subsequently, Chesapeake really has drunk the PPDM Kool-Aid and subject matter areas embrace financials, lease operations, rig scheduling and more—a total of 13 business areas are being implemented. Chesapeake is now planning to add Hyperion business intelligence to its PPDM master, to extend to document management and GIS and finally to retire its legacy databases.
PPDM’s Steve Cooper’s presentation on data management introduced PPDM’s ‘Data Value’ metrics that allow subjective data quality tags to be attached to data items. PPDM 3.8 is now also offering support for data governance and master data management to allow foreign data sources such as technical data, operations data and finances to be linked to a PPDM database. MDM is seen as a way of linking data across distributed master data stores. Data Quality is increasingly a focus area for PPDM members. Cooper believes that more focus is needed on targeting quality initiatives on data problems that have the most potential impact on the business through an analysis of ‘data value.’ PPDM supports data value analytics and improvement initiatives with quality metrics and audit trails.
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