SMT, JOA team

JOA Jewel Suite’s ‘true vertical gridding’ embeds Kingdom Suite which now offers a ‘modeling while interpreting’ capability.

Seismic Micro Technology (SMT) has added geomodeling to its PC-based seismic interpretation package in a deal struck with Delft, The Netherlands-based JOA Oil and Gas. JOA’s JewelSuite is to provide a ‘modeling while interpreting’ capability to users of SMT’s Kingdom Suite.

SMT president and CEO Arshad Matin said, ‘Previously, interpretation and modeling were dysfunctional, separate silos managed by different teams. Kingdom Geomodeling (KG) changes this with support for 3D modeling from inside the interpretation application.’

JOA president Gerard de Jager added, ‘JewelSuite’s orthogonal gridding algorithm has proven its worth in the engineering domain. Our partnership with SMT brings the true vertical gridding method and a seamless workflow to seismic interpreters.’

KG creates sealed structural models, 3D geocellular grids and properties. Tight integration means that there is no need to export an interpretation data to the modeler. ‘Next generation’ gridding provides better complex structure mapping than pillar gridders such as Petrel. SMT and JOA are to share technology and co-market the new solution. KG will see ‘limited availability’ in Q4, 2009. More from

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