Brad Kaufman, IT manager with Swift Energy described how Tobin SuperBase and a data management infrastructure is helping Swift’s evolution towards asset teams, where geoscientists, engineers, landmen and support staff ‘commune’ and office together. Swift deploys a heterogeneous software lineup with elements from Landmark, IHS, SMT, ESRI, P2ES and Schlumberger. The company is mid-way through organizing its well data. Data management is an ‘ongoing’ process where ‘100% done is a myth!’ You need to decide when is ‘good enough’ to roll out to business decision making.
A hierarchy of preferred location information is used with Swift or other trusted sources at the top, next Tobin Superbase then IHS Enerdeq (Swift’s assets are located in Texas and Louisiana). In 2007, Swift’s CEO asked for online maps for competitor analysis and Swift’s own asset position. To assure live data, a link to Swift’s Enterprise Upstream (P2ES’ ERP solution) was developed. Microsoft Virtual Earth was selected as a front end with Visual Fusion used to connect to ESRI SDE. VE’s proximity to SharePoint simplified unstructured and relational data access. Stonebridge Technology developed the solution, linking the VE-based front end to Enterprise Upstream, SDE and Infostat’s Rimbase wellsite information system. The project launched in May 2008 and was delivered in six months.
A P2ES presentation* underscored the parlous state of US well data management. Although they may not realize it, all US operators will be negatively impacted by recent developments at the American Petroleum Institute. Most all operators rely of the API’s universal well identifier (UWI) a.k.a the API number as their prime ‘integration vehicle.’ However there is a lack of uniformity on API number assignments from different data providers and from state /federal agencies. The API standard was first published 1966 and revised in the late seventies. Since then, no updates have been published. There is no provision in the current standard for horizontal drilling. Today, despite its importance to operators, the API is to discontinue support of its well number standard and is seeking a sponsor to take over. One problem facing current users of the API standard is the fact that, according to P2ES, 15-20% of wellbores were never attributed an API number. The status quo means that ‘geoscientists and engineers unknowingly gamble on a routine basis, assuming that the data they are using has been tied to the right wellbore. More from
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