Dresser Wayne announces new retail solution

Notebook sized appliance future-proofs the forecourt and improves business visibility.

Austin, TX-based Dresser Wayne has released the Fusion Forecourt System (FFS), a petroleum retail management appliance that decreases system complexity and ‘future-proofs’ the forecourt by providing improved visibility of key systems and inventory. FFS integrates fuel pumps, card terminals and tank gauges and interfaces with forecourt devices, fuel equipment and point-of-sale systems from multiple vendors. FFS reduces the number of controllers and appliances needed to operate a multi-device, multi-vendor forecourt.

Dresser Wayne CTO Dan Harrell said, ‘Less complexity and better visibility of business dynamics mean more profits. FFS ties disparate systems together, letting retailers maximize system capabilities and make the most of their investments.’ FFS is a notebook-sized appliance engineered to withstand the harsh temperatures, airborne particles, small spaces and 24/7 processing requirements of fuel sites around the world. FFS provides reporting capabilities for enterprise-level sales, operations, inventory and equipment management. More from www.dresserwayne.com.

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