Emerson wireless for Gullfaks retrofit

Clip-on wireless temperature sensors provide real-time alerts to well pressure loss.

Emerson Process Management’s Smart Wireless network has been deployed by StatoilHydro to automate flow monitoring and increase production from 90 wells on the three platforms that constitute the Gullfaks field in the Norwegian North Sea. The WirelessHart-based network was chosen because of its ease of deployment and was installed without interrupting flow. Wireless devices now transmit real time temperature data that allows for quick reaction to loss of well pressure. The deployment follows a successful trial on StatoilHydro’s Grane platform.

StatoilHydro was intermittently losing flow from Gullfaks producers. Remedial action was dependent on early detection of flow losses. The solution was to deploy Emerson’s Rosemount 648 wireless temperature transmitters on individual well flow lines. The clamp-on sensors were deployed without interruption to production.

StatoiHydro’s project manager Anders Røyrøy said, ‘Wireless offers an inherent reduction in cabling infrastructure, complexity and weight, resulting in significantly lower installation costs. Emerson’s Smart Wireless mitigates the impact of radio interference and data reliability is 100%.’ Now instead of once-per-shift manual recordings, StatoilHydro gets temperature readings every 30 seconds. The Smart Wireless Gateway is hardwired into the control room providing operators with the real time information they need to react quickly to any change in flow. Røyrøy commented, ‘Rich process information and plant diagnostics are essential for unmanned operation.’ More from www.emerson.com.

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