The Surveying & Positioning Committee of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) is to revamp its positional data exchange formats. Back in 2005, ownership of the authoritative geodetic data set developed by the European Petroleum Survey Group was transferred to OGP, formerly the UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA). The plan is for a major revision of these documents to be conducted in cooperation with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). The SEG’s own positioning formats are now deprecated and will be replaced by the revised OGP P-formats. The aim is for a ‘single, global source of positional advice, guidance and format provision for the upstream.’
Under consideration for revision are data exchange formats for processed (post plot) coordinate data, raw marine positioning data, seismic binning grids and well deviation data. Stakeholder mapping and scoping workgroups are already under way. The Surveying & Positioning Committee is seeking support, technical contribution and comment from interested parties involved in data acquisition, processing, software development, data management and quality control. The OGP is also revising the MODU site survey guidelines and, in partnership with the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA), updating the guidelines for the use of differential GPS in offshore surveying. More from OGP on
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