Standards Stuff

Eurostep Java toolbox, Energistics geophysics SIG, API Rosettanet revamp, W3C rolls out OWL 2.

Eurostep engineering standards body has announced a beta release of a STEP AP233 toolbox for the Java platform. The AP233 toolbox is intended for creating interfaces to legacy engineering systems for data import and export. The Eurostep toolbox enables rapid development and deployment of ISO 10303-233 based applications and interfaces. AP233 is a STEP-based ISO standard for exchange of engineering data covering structural analysis and design, electronic assembly and interconnect and cable harnesses. While AP233 is predominantly a plant/manufacturing standard it does extend to the process industry. Eurostep clients include Shell, BP and StatoilHydro.

Energistics Geophysics Special Interest Group heard from India’s ONG this month on the need for an update of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists’ (SEG) seismic data exchange formats. ONGC’s J.V.S.S.N. Murthy noted that customization of existing SEG formats has led to proliferating ‘standards’ and large data sets stored in custom formats. Murthy further noted that there are no standards for exchange of velocity data and derived seismic attributes and interpretations. ONGC is proposing that the Energistics Geophysics SIG collaborates with the SEG, the RESCUE SIG and the OGP (see page 4) on the standardization of seismic-related data for ‘seamless data flow and application-independent interoperability.’

The American Petroleum Institute’s PIDX e-business standards body has ‘unanimously’ adopted the first revision to the PIDX Rosettanet (RN) specification since it first appeared in 2002. PIDX Vice-Chair Tim Morgan said, ‘RN provides data confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation—all of which are unaffected by the changes. The new standard does not introduce any new requirements. Rather, it addresses ambiguities and inconsistencies that existed in the original document and provides a cleaner implementation guide.’

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has announced a new release of its web ontology language. OWL 2 Web is described as an ontology language for the Semantic Web with ‘formally defined meaning.’ Ontologies are formalized vocabularies of terms, often covering a specific domain and shared by a community of users. Definitions include relationships with other terms in the ontology. OWL 2 is designed to facilitate ontology development and data sharing with the ultimate goal of making web content more accessible to machines.

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